Entrepreneurial skills hot topic in Belgium

During the meeting to the Artevelde University College Ghent (AHS) the subject of the meeting was entrepreneurship and the several aspects of data. Christel De Maeyer  is a specialist working on learning material on this issue. Data is a core subject of doing business. In the EU the new privacy rules become valid in May 2018. In social media there are a lot of developments around data and privacy. The USA and Europe thinks different on this subject. And also Big data collection and use of it is a motor in developing new business. The involved participants at the meeting of Belgium and The Netherlands consider a new project on this issue in 2019.

The Artevelde University College Ghent (AHS) a Member of the Ghent University Association, is one of Flanders' largest university colleges. It offers study programmes in amongst others: teacher training, business and graphic education for more than 13.000 students. 

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