Thrive project has started!

In september 2016 the project: Thrive! Entrepreneurial skills as solid base for a future in the Creative Industry has officialy started.The first Workconference took place in Wuppertal on the 28th of Oktober at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, one of the partners. This project has has as central aim to support the (young) (female) entrepreneurs and companies and its employees in the creative sector to go through a transformation and innovation process that is necessary to survive the present times and to become a company with a sustainable business case. The project results will be the relevant profiles of the companies at various stages in this path of development until the year 2026. The core of the company profiles will be the description of core competences and entrepreneurial skills that have to be present in the company at management level and the entrepreneurial skills at the level of the employees.

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