Literature list
Entrepreneurship – Dr Robert Perrett (Bradford University Management School)
Core text book
Burns, P. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 3rd edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. New edition (2016) is now available.
Other books on the basics
Rae, D. (2007). Entrepreneurship: From Opportunity to Action. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Timmons, J.A. and Spinelli, S. (2009). New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 8th edition, International edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Irwin.
Bridge, S., O’Neil, K. and Martin, F. (2009). Understanding Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
‘Good start’ articles
Gartner, W.B. (1988) ‘“Who is an entrepreneur?” is the wrong question’, American Journal of Small Business, Spring 1988: 11-32.
Shaver, K. and Scott, L. (1991) 'Person, Process, Choice: the psychology of new venture creation', ETP, 16(2): 23-42.
Sarasvathy, S. (2001) 'Causation and Effectuation: towards a theoretical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency', AMR, 26(2): 243-88. (For an alternative perspective on entrepreneurial decision making and opportunity)
Some core articles
Baumol, W. J. (2004) ‘Entepreneurial cultures and countercultures’, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 3: 316-26.
Low, M. and MacMillan (1998) ‘Entrepreneurship: past research and future challenges’, Journal of Management, 14(2): 2-26.
Shane, S. and Venkataranam, S. (2000) ‘The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research’, Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217-26.
Stevenson, H.H. and Carlos Jarillo, J. (1990). A Paradigm of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Management, Strategic Management Journal (1986–1998), 11(5), pp.17–17.
Some current debate article
Zahra, S.A., Wright, M. and Abdelgawad, S.G., (2014). Contextualization and the advancement of entrepreneurship research. International Small Business Journal.
Rehn, A., Brännback, M., Carsrud, A. and Lindahl, M., 2013. Challenging the myths of entrepreneurship?. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 25(7-8), pp.543-551.