Meeting with executive committee of the EGIN board at Schiphol Airport Amsterdam the Netherlands

During a meeting of the executive committee of EGIN, Rense van der Heide, who is also part of this committee and a member of the Thrive project had the possibility to introduce and explain the project progress to the two key board members. EGIN is the European platform for communication and cooperation for the printing and allied industries and the creative industry. Its members are trade organisations, educational organisations for VET, commercial research- and training organisations. The board of EGIN is formed by the social partners of member countries. The main aim of EGIN is to bring together organisations, individuals and representatives from for mentioned industrials sectors and exchange knowledge, expertise and ideas. Quite a number of European funded have   number of projects been initated, developed and executed over at least 25 years. 

EGIN has been informed about the Thrive project at several occasions, especially at its annual conference in the month of April every year. It was a moment of reflection about the status of the project and about the developments and findings in more detail than can be done during a conference. The chairman and the secretary treasurer showed great interest in the progress of the project. Even more they were eager to read about the research that would be performed about the future development of the creative sector and the profiles of the various companies that would be described in the report of that research. 

The output of that could be of common interest for all EGIN member countries and companies and employees might well benefit from it. So they urged Rense van der Heide to see to it that EGIN also would be able to inform their members about the findings and results. Moreover, that EGIN would play a role in disseminating and factually distributing the learning modules and the scans. It would be a asset for the EGIN Network.

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