

Applicant partner; coordinator. Stivako has a long lasting reputation in The Netherlands as the Institute for management education, marketing, planning and costing and estimating for the Creative Industry and the print media industry, all in close cooperation with the employers’ federation Royal KVGO. Stivako is also experienced in developing games for education and entrepreneurship. Stivako works together with consultancy agency Dienstencentrum in the development of supporting services for companies and R&D for the sector as a whole. Stivako has a lot of experience in project management and coordination on national and EU-level.


Nyta ltd is an SME, especially concentrated on education, training and support for organisations and companies in the Creative Industry. NYTA has managed (coordinated) EU projects on ECVET recently.
In this project the main area will be the research on and development of learning modules for entrepreneurial competences for VET education. Dissemination activities will be performed in the European Platform and Network EGIN, of which the owner and director of Nyta is executive secretary.

Hill Top Consulting

Hill Top Consulting has close current ties to the printing and graphics industry in the United Kingdom and is closely linked with the employers’ federation of the UK (BPIF).
Hill Top has been engaged in expert tasks for the European Employers’ federation (Intergraf).
In this project Hill Top will mainly focus on the company profiles research, development and validation. In the E-tool development, the role will be to support f the ICT developer and validating results and outcomes.

Bergische University Wuppertal (BUW)

The BUW is a well-reputed University in Germany, with a Faculty for Electrical Information and Media Engineering and a Faculty of art and Design. University Wuppertal will play a substantial role in the pre-research on company profiles, setting up of questionnaires for research purposes and E-tool development. In the actual E-Tool development they will validate designated stages of development and output / input. They will field test the E-tool and validate the output and the levels of correctness.

Artevelde Hogeschool

Artevelde University College Ghent (AHS), a Member of the Ghent University Association, is one of Flanders' largest university colleges. It offers study programmes in amongst others: teacher training, business and graphic education for more than 13.000 students. With the Bachelor of Graphical and Digital Media, AHS aims to acquaint 800+ students with the design, production and managerial aspects of printed and non-printed media. In the project Artevelde will focus on the pre research on entrepreneurial modules and the validation of those. Further Artevelde will assist in the fields of assessing and validation of the benchmarking tools, as it has experience in those fields as university.

Escola Algueró

Escola Algueró is a well based industrial VET school in Barcelona. It has very close ties with the Catalonian Employers’ federation and therefore is a leading school. The courses the school provides are a mix of the traditional sector and indeed the transformation from traditional to the new media industry.
In the project Escola Algueró will be operating in redeveloping the e-tool, the development and validation of the modules that have been developed and participate in the train the trainer courses.