THRIVE! At the UK Visual Media Conference 16 April 2019

The Visual Media Conference 2019 (VMC) attracted over 400 registrations and was the fifth annual event of its kind. Delegates were from all parts of the creative industry from print companies, to designers to digital marketing agencies and significant sponsors such as Hewlett Packard, Antalis, Creative England, Leeds Business School and Communisis. Thrive was an exhibitor through the UK representative Mike Hopkins of Hill Top Consulting.

The speaker programme was again exceptional including HP & ProCo, Retail Insitute at Leeds Beckett University, Drupa, Jaywing UK dealt with subjects as varied as “Delivering unique packaging”, “What is digital transformation anyway” and “Different with a purpose.” 

VMC was then an ideal way of reaching the target audience for THRIVE with the delegates being young entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs and growing companies. The opportunity was taken to try out the self assessment diagnostic tools on a variety individuals. In all nearly 20 assessments were done in all target groups and the overall impression from the delegates was that the tools were easy to complete, relevant and an accurate “snapshot” of them as individuals. It also gave them an indication of the actions they had to take to be successful in the next decade. 

On the day prior to VMC, THRIVE was presented to the Board of Intergraf (Intergraf is the representative body for the European printing and creative industries and the Board is their governing body). The project was well received and seen as relevant to the industry both now and in the next decade. All in all a thorough vindication of the objectives and outputs of THRIVE.

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