Thrive conference combined with Stivako customer meeting

During the keynote session, the newly started direction of Stivako regarding its future was made even more clear by Sander Spek from Artefelde University College in Ghent, who participates in the Thrive! project. The Thrive! project stands for 'Entrepreneurship as a solid foundation for a future in the creative industry'. The program includes extensive teaching and research programs for entrepreneurs, employees and especially for women who find their way in the creative industry as an entrepreneur. In the EU, only 6% of working women are self-employed
The latter subject in particular received extra attention during this Stivako customer day. The number of women entrepreneurs in our sector is also extremely small in our country. 
Sander Spek explains the Thrive! Project:

The results of the Thrive!

The relevant profiles of the companies at the various stages of this development process will be up to the year 2026. The core of the company profiles is the description of the core competencies and entrepreneurial skills that must be present at the management level in the company and the entrepreneurial skills at the company level. level of employees. Stivako is developing its changed service and training offer based on these international findings and results.


In summary, everything revolves around the skills of people, both employers and employees. We see today's offset printer returning as a process operator, someone with a completely different approach to the profession. The quality is to a large extent standardized, the 'digital online process operator' is characterized by dynamics, game elements in the simultaneous operation of several ultramodern machines and is much more result (therefore also financially and commercially) focused than its predecessors, who usually focused on the highest technically feasible quality, often with little regard for the other business parameters.
The range of Stivako will certainly make a positive contribution to the revitalization of many companies in the industry. But that does not mean that companies can now massively mirror themselves in one go on the successes of the now well-known online parties. In addition to marketing, sales, technology and also the mentality of the people, it is primarily the culture within those companies that has a completely different and for many unrecognizable dynamic.

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