Thrive-results presented at Egin conference in Copenhagen

On the 11th April in Copenhagen at the first day of the EGIN annual conference Frank den Hartog presented the results of the Thrive-project. Besides the results of the  research of the BUW and Nyta/Hilltop the project aim and the deliverables were presented. Such as the learning material for the target groups: young entrepreneurs, people who want to develop working in a company or the the female entrepreneureurs. The EGIN conference was held at the office of HK. With 275,000 members, HK is Denmark’s largest union for salaried employees. The members work within the retail sector and as administrative staff within both the public and the private sectors like printmedia and creative industries.
Also representatives of HK were present at this part of the conference. The central theme of the EGIN Annual conference this year was: "Different ways of Developing and Coorporating, how to strengthen the relation between vocational education and the developing labour market.
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