Characteristics of different „types“ of entrepreneurs induce particular challenges
Target groups of the Thrive!-project are:
- employees with entrepreneurial spirit / companies with growth potential (older than 5 years) and
- young entrepreneurs / start-ups (companies younger than 5 years),
- female entrepreneurs.
Young entrepreneurs need in many cases:
- a functional early-warning system
- more profound skills in (fundamental) business knowledge and skills
- specific management tools for dealing with crises (crisis management)
- and on the level of personal competences: a good self-management and resilience / health management.
Employees with entrepreneurial spirit need:
- Skills in communication
- Sophisticated skills in project-management (with regard to the digitalisation especially with modern concepts in project-management like agile project-management, scrum etc.)
- Competences in leadership
Specific competences for female entrepreneurs that could be developed via education and training are:
- support decision making, e.g. by methods and tools that accelerate the process of decision making.
- improve the willingness/ability to take financial risks, e.g. negotiation with VC and banks
- work-life-balancing/-blending.